Words and Music by James Durst
© 1971 PhoeniXongs ASCAP
believe I meet her on the subway
Make believe I sit across the aisle
And when she looks up from her paper novel
Make believe we share a knowing smile
Make believe I go and sit beside her
Make believe she turns to look at me
And when I speak to ask her what her name is
Make believe she asks me home to tea
Make believe I’m not with my old lady
Make believe I’m young and strong again
Make believe I still could satisfy her
Make believe this isn’t just pretend
Make believe she doesn’t look right past me
Make believe she doesn’t rise to go
And when she steps out on that subway platform
Make believe she turns to let me know
Make believe I’m not with my old lady
Make believe I’m young and strong again
Make believe I still could satisfy her
Make believe this isn’t just pretend